This website has been created as a permanent "footprint" of only a miniscule portion of work that I have completed while striving to complete by Bachelor's of Arts degree in Global Studies at National University.
This program has allowed me to experience many different subjects such as history, literature, art, technology, social movements, humanities, and more. Through this experience, I have gained an increased thirst for more education and a bigger understanding of the world that we live in as well as the knowledge of how fragile our world really is. It is truly amazing to learn how connected we all are on a global scale.
Global issues are indeed issues that we all need to learn about in order to become effective citizens of our world. Simply because an event is transpiring in another country, does not mean that we are immune to any of the effects that will occur as a result. Since we are all only here for a relatively short period of time, we should slow down in life a bit and learn about the world around us in order to make it a better place for our children and the generations yet to come.